Jelly Woodland Pattern Correction

JELLY WOODLAND pattern corrections:

            You are making (36) full trees and (12) half trees as setting triangles.  The pattern calls for (42).  I think I was flip-flopping as to whether there’d be an additional row and there isn’t enough fabric for that.

            Step 1:  Cut (42) 2-1/2” bckgd-gold-bckgd strips – change to  – Cut (36) 2-1/2” bckgd-gold-bckgd strips.

            Step 4:  Using the 60o triangle ruler, cut (5) triangles from each group, flipping the ruler around with each cut.  You will have some length remaining.  From (2) of the remaining lengths, cut another 2 full triangles.  – change to  – Using the 60o triangle ruler, cut (4) triangles from each group, flipping the ruler around with each cut.  You will have some length remaining.  From (4) of the remaining lengths, cut another 4 full triangles.